Scott Langille

Leaving Toronto

I was raised in one of Canada's smallest towns then moved to live in its largest.

When I arrived, I felt small.

On my first day here, the company I worked for arranged a night's stay on the 43rd floor of a hotel downtown. Looking out on the horizon, there were buildings as far as I could see.

After settling into my room, I went to check out the Toronto "Harbourfront," expecting a nice walkway along Lake Ontario similar to the seawall in Vancouver. Boy, was I wrong. Just more buildings, parking lots, and highways. I walked back to the hotel along Bay Street. The logos of Canada's biggest banking and consulting companies shone from the concrete skyscrapers that stood above me.

I've never felt so small in my life.

Leaving now, and I'll miss it.

It took me a while, but I've grown to love Toronto. Not for its transit system, concrete buildings, or lack of mountains—no. Vancouver is better in many respects. But I love Toronto for its people, culture, and cuisine. Compared to my hometown, there's this feeling of infinite opportunity here. I can do anything or meet anyone if I arrange it.

Toronto has reminded me to be more intentional with my life. I'm fortunate to live in a time of immense opportunity yet I still let inertia drive me forward. It's easy to be overwhelmed by it all, and thus I too often pick the default path.

But I recently made friends in Toronto who pushed me to rethink this path and have shown me how easy it can be to chart a new one.

I mustn't leave this idea behind.

See you again soon, Toronto.